Saturday, February 21, 2015

Remove block from magento left or right column

In your layout.xml
<remove name="" />

Following code will remove default sidebar blocks:


<remove name="customer_account_navigation"/><!--Customer navigation-->
<remove name="sale.reorder.sidebar"/><!--Sales reorder sidebar when customer logged in Dashboard-->

<remove name="catalog.product.related"/><!--Related products sidebar-->
<remove name=""/><!--Compare product sidebar-->
<remove name="catalog.leftnav"/><!--Layered navigation-->
<remove name="catalogsearch.leftnav"/><!--Layered navigation on search result page-->

<remove name="right.permanent.callout"/><!--Right Callout Sample Data-->
<remove name="right.reports.product.viewed"/><!--Recently Viewed Products-->
<remove name="right.reports.product.compared"/><!--Compared Products-->
<remove name="right.poll"/><!--Poll-->

<remove name="left.newsletter"/><!--Sidebar Newsletter-->
<remove name="left.permanent.callout"/><!--Left Callout Sample Data-->

<remove name="wishlist_sidebar"/><!--Wishlist Sidebar-->
<remove name="paypal.partner.right.logo"/><!--Paypal logo Sample Data-->

<remove name="tags_popular"/><!--Popular Tags-->
<remove name="cart_sidebar"/><!--Cart sidebar-->



  1. I will free download magento as soon as possible. Magento is truly the best platform ever. Its extensions is also awesome.

  2. This could work when I have put the code in tags:
    Like this:

  3. Thanks for the best was very useful for me.keep sharing such ideas in the future as well.this was actually what i was looking for,and i am glad to came here!
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Fatal error: Class Zend\Stdlib\Parameters contains 1 abstract method... magento 2

Fatal error: Class Zend\Stdlib\Parameters contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining met...