Sunday, August 3, 2014

Magento Category Products

Using this way,you can assign product to categories.
  1. From Category Products tab, you can associate multiple products to that category.
  2. Here, you can see list of products of the catalog.
  3. Select your desire products for that category.
  4. Use Filters to limit the products and click Reset Filter to show all the products.
  5. After selecting products,Click Save Category.

Magento Categories Display Settings

Display Mode You can specify here that which content elements displayed on the category page.
You can select following elements:
Products Only
Static Block Only
Static Block and Products
CMS Block From here you can display a CMS static block at the top of the category page.
Is Anchor To includes the “filter by attribute” section in the layered navigation,select "yes" otherwise "No".
Available Product Listing Sort By It is a required field.
The default values are Best Value, Name, and Price.
Clear the Use All Available Attributes checkbox to customize the sorting option and select the attributes you want to use.
You can define and add attributes as per requirement.
Default Product Listing Sort By It is a Required field.
Default value is 'Best value' of this field.
Clear the Use Config Settings checkbox to define the default “Sort By” option and select an attribute from the dropdown list.
Layered Navigation Price Step By default, the price range displayed in increments of 10, 100, and 1000 depending on the products in the list.
You can change the Price Step range by clearing the Use Config Settings checkbox.

Magento Categories General Information

Field Description
Name It defines the name of category.
It is a required field. It appears at three places.
1) Navigation Menu bar in front side
2) In URL key of the category Page
3) associated product pages
Is Active It is a required field.
Make it 'Yes',to make the category and all its sub categories active.
Options include:
URL Key This text will represent the category in the URL.
It is used to improve search engine optimization (SEO) ranking.
By default,the key is automatically generated from the name.We can overwrite it for better SEO management.
for URL Key,only lower case characters and hyphen is is not allowed.
Thumbnail Image This image will be displayed on front-end when a customer clicks the category menu.
Description It describes category.
It appears below the category image.
It appears before the product list too if exists.
Image You can set an image for category from here.
It appears at top of the category page.
It appears before the description and product list too if exists.
Meta Keywords It is used by search engines to improve SEO management.
Meta Description It is the description of the category.
Include in Navigation Menu It is a required field.
By selecting "yes", this category will be included in the top navigation.
To make the category Hidden, means the category is active but will not be displayed in top navigation, you have to select no.
Hidden category is included in layered navigation.
Options are: 'yes' / 'no'.

Fatal error: Class Zend\Stdlib\Parameters contains 1 abstract method... magento 2

Fatal error: Class Zend\Stdlib\Parameters contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining met...